About Our Howell Office
Our Howell, MI office is your resource for personal and business insurance. Our team caters their expertise to businesses of all sizes, spanning to all industries. Our mission is to maintain our reputation as an industry leader by embracing the responsibilities of good corporate citizenship and by continuing our efforts to find the most comprehensive, innovative, and cost-effective ways to support your unique needs.
Our goal is to make sure our clients get the best possible service and coverage available through our top-rated insurance markets. Our team will provide you with hands-on interaction, expert insurance counsel, and our unyielding promise that we’ll stand up for you with insurance carriers to get you the best possible outcome or solution.
Contact us today to learn more about the products and services we offer and how we can protect your business and personal assets.
Eastman Insurance Agency was acquired by AssuredPartners on 2/1/24.
Sterling Insurance Group was acquired by AssuredPartners on 6/30/21.
Joe Haney, Agency President